No deadline – The Government of the Netherlands - Human Rights Fund Small Activities 2014

October 31 - The IPRA Foundation - Peace Research Grants to support systematic observation or study of conflict phenomena and peace strategies

No deadline - the International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders -  Security Grants programme to provide timely and efficient financial assistance to human rights defenders at risk.

15 December 2014 - Global Fund for Women – Grants for women’s groups that advance the human rights of women and girls.

30 October 2014 - The Japan Foundation -  Performing Arts Grants for Promoting Japanese Culture

No deadline - Open Society Foundation - The Mental Health Initiative   

1. Dec 2014. – Visegrad Fund - Small Grants

09. oktobar 2014. – Beograd/Opština Čukarica – Tri konkursa: sport, kulturno amaterska društava, udruženja

10. oktobar 2014. - Ministarstvo omladine i sporta - Tri konkursa za programe i projekte od javnog interesa u oblastima omladinskog sektora

16. September 2014 - Pokrajinski sekretarijat za sport i omladinu  -  Konkurs za prevenciju nasilja i diskriminacije 2014

31.10.2014. -  Kancelarija za saradnju sa civilnim društvom  -   Sufinansiranje projekata kojima su dodeljena sredstva Evropske unije za pomoć ugroženima od poplava

15 September 2014 - Movies that Matter Film Festival  -  Grants for Human Rights Films, Movies That Matter

04.11.2014. - EU -  Maximising synergies between tourism, high-end and creative industries